RGNUL Social Science Review

RGNUL Social Science Review

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The bi-annual and Peer Reviewed Journal of Social Sciences entitled, 'RGNUL Social Sciences Review (RSSR)' is registered with the office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India and has an ISSN number 2582-1687. It is a premier journal incorporating thoughts and views by distinguished academicians, researchers and professionals from all fields of knowledge relating to social sciences and allied areas. Being a journal of Social Sciences, its scope of research is very wide covering a wide range of topics, sub-topics from disciplines like Sociology, Psychology, Law, History, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Geography, and Literature. While having a main focus on social sciences, the intervention of the inventions and discoveries made by Natural Sciences and their relative implications on society cannot be ignored. Issues like area studies, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), nanotechnology, and Cloning of human and animal species being done at national as well as international research institutions, etc. have a significant bearing on society; the analysis of which needs ample efforts of the community of researchers. The journal welcomes contributions by scientists from social sciences, language and pure sciences disciplines. All the works received are subject to peer review on the basis of their research potential, originality and knowledge contribution. RGNUL aims to make this journal a magnum opus of research in the nation and also worldwide.

Patron & Executive Director 
Professor (Dr.) Anand Pawar, Officiating Vice-Chancellor & Registrar, RGNUL, Punjab 

Editor in Chief
Ms. Jasmine Kaur, Assistant Professor of Economics & Public Relations Officer, RGNUL, Punjab 

Editorial Board
Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Assistant Professor of Legal Research, RGNUL, Punjab 
Mr. Aashish Gaur, Assistant Professor of Sociology, RGNUL, Punjab 
Ms. Aditi Dubey, Assistant Professor of Political Science, RGNUL, Punjab 
Mr. Sourav Kumar, Assistant Professor of Political Science, RGNUL, Punjab


ALL THE COMMUNICATIONS / RESEARCH PAPERS / ARTICLES / BOOK REVIEWS being contributed for RSSR are to to sent to rgnulrjs@rgnul.ac.in

Copyright 2021 Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab.