Law Practicum Series

Law Practicum Series

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Research addresses a variety of pertinent issues and advances knowledge. In the rapidly changing world, new developments and technology pose challenges to institutes of higher education. It is essential to promote level of research with the changing times. Teaching and research, are mutually exclusive and complementary components of the higher education. Research allows broader learning experience to students also. In order to provide impetus to high quality research, RGNUL offers various incentives. The University has initiated Faculty Research Incentive Scheme to encourage faculty to publish in Scopus indexed journals. 


Vice-Chancellor RGNUL made an announcement regarding the Faculty Research Incentive Scheme on Teacher’s Day celebration 2021. He said that an award of Rs 21,000/- will be given to the faculty for publication in Scopus indexed journals.

The scheme was approved by the Executive Council of RGNUL on 20th September, 2021. 

Copyright 2021 Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab.