Professor of Law & Dean Academics
- (i) EMERGING TRENDS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Ist ed, APR 2022, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp.150, ISBN 978-93-91681-39-8.
- (ii) POLICY AND SOCIETY Ist ed, Oct 2021, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp.150, ISBN 978-93-91681-50-0.
- (iii) CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION AND ROAD AHEAD Ist ed, Oct 2021, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp.216, ISBN 978-93-91681-43-2.
- (iv) PATENT AND TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE: POLICY & PRACTICE Ist ed. June 2021, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, pp.252, ISBN : 978-81-949509-5-0.
- (v) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & CONFLICT RESOLUTION Ist ed. June 2021, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, pp.198 ISBN: 978-93-91345-04-4.
- (vi) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY BRANDING IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD: A NEW APPROACH, Ist ed. June 2021, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, pp.236, ISBN : 978-81-949509-6-7.
- (vii) ROLE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY: CHALLENGES AND ISSUES, Ist ed. Mar 2021, published by Doaba stationery & Printing Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Patiala ISBN 9789384166397
- (viii) CRIME AGAINST WOMEN AND LAW RELATING TO WELFARE AND PROTECTION OF WOMEN, Ist ed. Oct 2020, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp.263, ISBN 978-93-89657-69-2.
- (ix) CONTEMPORARY LEGAL ISSUES AND CHALLANGES, Ist ed. Dec 2020, Black Aviat Publishing house Lucknow (India), pp.286, ISBN 978-81-946558-3-1.
- (x) ABROGATION OF ARTICLE- 370 & ARTICLE 35A –Constitutional Analysis, Ist ed. Oct 2020, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp., ISBN 978-93-89657-62-3.
- (xi) HUMAN RIGHTS AND DISABILITY LAW –Global Perspective, Ist ed. Oct 2020, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp., ISBN 978-93-89657-61-6.
- (xii) CHILD RIGHTS LAWS, POLICIES AND PRACTICES, Ist ed. Oct 2020, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp., ISBN 978-93-89657-60-9.
- (xiii) CAA-NRC-NPR-Constitutional Analysis, Ist ed. Oct 2020, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp., ISBN 978-93-89657-54-8.
- (iv) SURROGACY: LAW, POLICY AND PRACTICE, Ist ed. January 2020, Victorious Publishers, New Delhi, pp.148, ISBN 978-93-87294-33-2.
- (xv) RGNUL Book Series on CORPORATE LAW & CORPORATE AFFAIRS, ed. 2019 printed by , Registrar, RGNUL Punjab, India, (pp. 139), ISBN-978-9-38-4166-26-7.
- (xvi) ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES, Ist ed. January 2020 Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp. 272, ISBN 978-93-89657-17-3.
- (xvii) HUMAN RIGHTS AND DISABILITY LAW, Ist ed. November 2019, Victorious Publishers, New Delhi, pp.437, ISBN 978-93-87294-32-5.
- (xviii) LAW RELATING TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT: PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE, Ist ed. November 2019, Victorious Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 236, ISBN 978-93-87294-34-9.
- (xix) WOMEN, LAW AND SOCIETY, Ist ed. November 2019, Victorious Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 262, ISBN 978-93-87294-35-6.
- (xx) CHILDREN, LAW AND SOCIETY, Ist ed. November 2019, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, pp. 243, ISBN 978-93-89657-01-2.
- (xxi) RIGHT TO INFORMATION: A TOOL FOR TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY (eds.), RGNUL Punjab, November 17, 2019 (Ist ed.) printed by Phulkian Press Pvt. Ltd. Patiala, Punjab, India, (pp. 372), ISBN-978-9-38-416630- 4.
- (xxii) ESSAY ON CLASSICS (eds), RGNUL, Punjab, November 2019 (Ist ed.), printed by RGNLU, Punjab, India, (pp. 372), ISBN-978-93-84166-32- 8.
- (xxiii) TRANSCENDING TECHNOLOGY – A COGNITIVE LEARNING TOWARDS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, September 7, 2019, Satyam Book Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, India, (pp.1020), ISBN-978-93-83043-28-6.
- (xxiv) WOMEN, LAW AND TECHNOLOGY (ed. 2018) December 2018 published by Victorious Publishers, Delhi, India, pp. 298, ISBN-978-93-87294-26-4.
- (xxv) LAW, JUDICIARY AND GOVERNANCE (ed. 2017) February 2017, published by Universal Publications, LexisNexis-Gurgaon, Haryana, India ISBN-978-93-5035-983-9.
- Editor, CONTEMPORARY LAW REVIEW, MNLU NAGPUR, Vol. 2, Issue I 2018, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, RNI- MAHENG/2018/76048 & ISSN:2581-7582.
- Editor, CONTEMPORARY LAW REVIEW, MNLU NAGPUR, Vol 1, Issue I 2017, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, RNI- MAHENG/2018/76048 & ISSN:2581-7582.
- Editor, NLUA LAW & REVIEW, Vol. 1, Issue I 2015, National Law University, Assam-Guwahati, Assam, India, ISSN 2455-8671.
- Editor, NLUA LAW & REVIEW, Vol. 1, Issue II 2015, National Law University, Assam-Guwahati, Assam, India, ISSN 2455-8671.
- Editor, NLUA LAW & REVIEW, Vol. 1, Issue I 2016, National Law University, Assam-Guwahati, Assam, India, ISSN 2455-8671.
Research Papers Published in Renowned Law Journals =37+2 (published) Case Comment-01
- In process “Transgender A Sexual Minority and Human Rights Violation”, in process
- In process “Copyright Issues: Infringement vis-à-vis Plagiarism” Journal of Intellectual Property Rights.
- Criminal Justice Administration System and Fundamental Rights in India: A Study, Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Dickensian Journal, UGC-CARE Approved Group ‘II’ journal, ISSN NO: 0012-2440, Scientific Journal Impact Factor – 6.3, pp.282-288 Scopus Active Database Journal – 2 Science Citation Index.
- Evaluation of Article 21 During Covid-19 with Respect to Vulnerable Group, XII CPJLJ (Jan- 2022), (UGC Care Listed), pp.185-194, ISSN-0976-3562, by CPJ School of Law, CPJ, Narela, Delhi, India.
- Adoption of Children: An Analysis with Reference to Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act and Juvenile Justice Act, CRIMES AGAINST CHLDREN IN INDIA: PREVENTIVE AND PROTECTIVE LAWS (ed), 2021, ISBN-978-93-90673-95-7, pp.1-13 by Thomson Reuters, South Asia, Gurugram, India.
- Electronic Library of Spiritual Heritage: Copyright Limitations and Exceptions JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, Vol. 23 July-September 2018, pp.194-197, ISSN: 0975-1076 (Online); 0971-7544 (Print) by CSIR, New Delhi, India.
- Patenting: An Analysis of Inventive Step/Non Obviousness, RTM NAGPUR UNIVERSITY’S RESEARCH JOURNAL ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, PG Teaching Department of Law, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, October 2018, ISSN-0972-6349, pp. 16-24.
- Case Comment on Amardeep Singh v. Harveen Kaur-A case comment, AMITY LAW REVIEW, (A Peer Reviewed/Refereed) December 2017, ISSN: 2249-2232, (UGC approved no. 41080; ) PP.128-138.
- Manual Scavenging in India: A Critical Appraisal, (Co-authored) AMITY LAW JOURNAL, Volume 3 Number 3 2017 Amity University Dubai (ISSN: 2518-3575) 2017, pp. 45-53.
- Teaching and Learning of Law: Multidimensional approach, MNLU NAGPUR CONTEMPORARY LAW REVIEW, Volume 2 Number I 2018, RNI- MAHENG/2018/76048 & ISSN: 2581-7582 Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, pp. 61-78.
- Right to education and employment: A Step Towards Empowering Transgender Community, (Co-authored) KHATHMANDU SCHOOL OF LAW REVIEW (KSLR) (Volume 5 Issue 2) November 2017, ISSN No. 2091-2110 Kathmandu School of Law Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 113-126.
- Environmental Justice in India and Role of National Green Tribunal, (Co-authored) MNLU NAGPUR CONTEMPORARY LAW REVIEW, Volume-1 Number 1 2017, RNI- MAHENG/2018/76048 & ISSN: 2581-7582, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, pp.34-50.
- Traditional Knowledge and conservation of Biodiversity, GH RAISONI LAW SCHOOL’S LAW JOURNAL “The Biological Diversity Act 2002 Legal Dimensions of its implementation”, First Ed. August 2017, (ISBN-978-93-82962-79-3) G.H. Raisoni Law School, Nagpur pp.157-162.
- Uniform Civil Code: An attempt to its affordability, (Co-authored) JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY VI JLPP [2017], ISSN: 2350-1200, National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi-Bangalore (Karnataka), India, pp.1-19.
- International Criminal Law: An evaluation of self defence, (Co-authored) INDIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR (IJLHB), Jan-Jun 2017, Volume 3 Number 1, ISSN: 2454-7107, Red flower Publications, New Delhi, pp.17-23 (UGC Approved list no. 41234;
- Re-Visit to the Constitutionality of Capital Punishment, book titled LAW, JUDICIARY AND GOVERNANCE: A Festschrift in the Honour of Professor (Dr.) Mool Chand Sharma, pp.235-247 (2017), ISBN: 978-93-5035-983-9, Universal Law Publishing a print of LexisNexis, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
- Geographical Indication-The Factors of Rural Development and Strengthening Economy, JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Vol. 21, September-November 2016, pp. 347-354, ISSN: 0975-1076 (Online); 0971-7544 (Print) by CSIR, New Delhi, India.
- Role of Information Technology for Proactive Disclosure of Information, for NLUA LAW REVIEW, Volume 2, Number I, 2016, ISSN: 2455-8680 National Law University, Assam, India, pp. 239-246. (UGC Approved list no. 41116;
- Women participation in all social events A step towards strengthening them, by INDIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR (IJLHB), Volume 2 Number 2, July-Dec 2016, pp. 63-71, ISSN: 2454-7107, Red Flower Publication Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India (UGC Approved list no. 41234; and (IJLLJS) International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies, ISSN:2348-8212 ( Volume 3, Issue 4 November 2016 pp.27-42. India.
- Causes of Transnational Corporate Corruption- Double Taxation and Tax Evasion, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN GOVERNANCE by CTAG, National Law University, Delhi, India, Volume-2-2016, September 2016, ISSN: (Print) 2395-4337, pp.184-199 ( CL.
- Human Rights vis-à-vis inordinate delay in disposal of mercy petition, (IJLLJS) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND LEGAL JURISPRUDENCE STUDIES: ISSN: 2348-8212 ( ) Volume 2 Issue 5, pp.63-75 published 8 August 2015 in Website (, Open Access publishing model Published papers appear electronically.
- Right to Information Act a Check on the Public Officials, (Co-authored) HIMACHAL PARDESH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW, (Published Mar 2015) Refereed Journal, Vol.3, No.1, June 2013, pp-92-100, (ISSN: 2249-3441), HPU-Regional Centre, Dharamshala, HP, India. (UGC Approved list no. 41997;
- Analytical Study of Domestic Violence against Women with reference to existing Legislations, HNLU JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (HNLUJLSS) ISSN: 2347-839X, Jan-Dec 2013, Vol. I, No. I, pp.127-133, published by Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh in 2015. 41107 (UGC Approved list no. 41107;
- Crop Residues Burning is Detrimental to Environment, (IJLLJS) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND LEGAL JURISPRUDENCE STUDIES: ISSN: 2348-8212 ( ) Volume 2 Issue 1 will be published on 31 January 2015, Open Access publishing model Published papers appear electronically.
- Equal Rights of Women in ancestral property is an instrumental for economic independence-An Analysis, INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL RESEARCH CHRONICLER, Volume II Issue V : July 2014 (1) ISSN: 2347–503X, pp.24-29 A Peer-Reviewed Refereed and Indexed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal,, Barns College of Arts, Science and Commerce, New Panvel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. (UGC Approved list no. 41311;
- Freedom of Speech and Expression versus Sting Operation, FIAT JUSTITIA, Vol. II, April 2014, pp. 140-150, ISSN: 2320-2696, Deccan Education Society’s, Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune, Maharashtra, India. (UGC Approved list no. 41251;
- Right To Information: A Baby of Healthy Democracy and Transparent Government, KURUKSHETRA LAW JOURNAL, Vol. II. Part. II 2013 (Published Feb 2014), pp. 115-123, ISSN: 2231-5519, Deptt. of Law, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana-India. (UGC Approved list no. 41247;
- Women and Laws-A Critical Analysis, COMMITMENT AND BETRAYAL: REVISITING HUMAN RIGHTS, GGS College for Women, Chandigarh, pp.29-44, March 2013, ISBN:978-93-80144-79-5, Chandigarh, Haryana-India.
- Legal Aid and Access to Justice for Needy: Bangladesh Perspective- co-authored, CHINTAN RESEARCH JOURNAL (International Refereed) Year: 3, Issue:9, Jan-Mar 2013 pp.285-295, ISSN: 2229-7227, Acharya Academy, Rohtak- Haryana, India. (UGC Approved list no. 41243;
- Gender Equality-Human Rights Violations against Sexual Minorities, HUMAN RIGHTS AND CRITICALLY DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE by Empowerment Through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) & Palal Prokashoni, Dhaka, Dec 2012, pp. 77-84, ISBN: 978-984-603-250-5 Internationally Recognized NGO, Dhaka-Bangladesh.
- Weak Cryptography A Threat to National Security and Economy, HIMACHAL PRADESH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES A JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW Vol. 2 No. I June 2012, pp.212-221, ISSN: 2249-3441, Himachal Pradesh University- Regional Centre, Dharamshala, HP-India. (UGC Approved list no. 41997;
- Personal Laws: Are they Uniform or Personal in Character?, HUMAN RIGHTS-ISSUES & PERSPECTIVES by GGS College for Women, Chandigarh Published pp.139-147, ISBN: 978-93-81832-96-7, Mar 2012 Chandigarh-UT, India.
- Fiduciary Role of Directors in A Corporation, NATIONAL LAW NEWS, QUARTERLY LAW JOURNAL, Oct 2011-Mar 2012, pp. 7-11, ISSN: 0976-4305, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-India.
- Role of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for Women’s Rights, PRAMANA RESEARCH JOURNAL (INTERNATIONAL REFERRED) Year: 1, Issue: 2 Oct-Dec 2011, pp.107-110, ISSN: 2249-2976 Acharya Academy, Rohtak-Haryana, India. (UGC Approved list no. 41241;
- Intellectual Property Rights versus Competition Law, KURUKSHETRA LAW JOURNAL Vol. I, May 2011, pp. 188-210, ISSN: 2231-5519, Deptt. of Law, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana-India. (UGC Approved list no. 41247;
- Death Penalty for Juvenile-A Dying Future and Denying Reformation, MDU LAW JOURNAL 2010, Vol-XV, Pt-IIB pp. 355-382, (ISSN: 2230-746X) Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak-Haryana, India.
- Constitutionality of Gay Sex & Lesbianism-Hindu Marriage Act 1955, SLR NIRMA LAW UNIVERSITY, Apr 2010, Vol. II, Issue-II, pp. 1-4, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujrat-India.
- Euthanasia versus Honour Killings-A Study, SLR NIRMA LAW UNIVERSITY, Dec 2009 Vol. I, Issue-III, pp. 1-13, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujrat-India.
- Human Rights and Deprived Strata-A Death Penalty, MDU LAW JOURNAL 2009 Vol. XIV, Pt-II p.245, (ISSN: 2230-746X) Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak-Haryana, India.
Paper Presented in Seminars=48 (N-27+IN-21), Lecture=42 (N-39+IN-3); Inaugural/ Valedictory -23 (N-13+IN-10)= (N-79+IN-34) =113
- Key Note Address at One day National Seminar on CHANGING DIMENSION OF LAW : AN EXPANDING HORIZON organized by Regional Center, GNDU-Amritsar, Department of Law, Jalandher in Academic Partnership of ICSSR, North Western Regional Center-Chandigarh on Mar 26, 2022.
- Guest of Honour in Valedictory Session on “Self-regulation data privacy and data protection” at One day E- International Seminar on “Data Protection and Data Privacy” Organized by Law Mantra Trust in collaboration with The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur Advanced Centre on Research, Development & Training in Cyber Law and Forensics, National Law School of India University, Bangalore on Dec 18, 2021.
- Guest of Honour in Inaugural Session at One day National E-Conference on IMPACT OF PANDEMIC COVID 19 ON HUMAN RIGHTS organized by motherhood University, Roorkee on Sep 7, 2021 and inaugural talk on “Human Rights of Children during Covid Pandemic and Role of Artificial Intelligence on Sep 7, 2021.
- Guest of Honour in Valedictory Session at One day Globalizing World and Cyber Crimes’ organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of RGNUL, Punjab; NLSUI, Bangalore; MNLU, Nagpur and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on January 30, 2021.
- Welcome Address at One Day National Webinar on ‘Candid Conversations on Professional Journeys: Court Craft, Values & Ethics’ organized by CAN Foundation and RGNUL, Punjab on July 11, 2020.
- Welcome Address at One day International Webinar on ‘Human Rights of Migrant Laborers in Covid-19: Indian Scenario’ organised by Think India and Center for Advance Studies Labour Law and Center for Advanced Studies Human Rights, RGNUL, Punjab on July 6, 2020.
- Chief Guest Valedictory Session at One day International Seminar on ‘Protection of Children Rights and Law Relating to Women Empowerment’ organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of MNLU, Nagpur, NLUJA, Assam, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on January 12, 2020.
- Chaired the Ist Technical Session at One Day International Seminar on ‘Human Rights and Persons with Disabilities’ on “Person with disability-A Study” organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of MNLU, Nagpur, NLUJA, Assam, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on January 11, 2020.
- Chaired the Ist Technical Session at Two Day International Seminar on “Human Rights, Democracy and Human Dignity: 70 Years of Universal Declaration on Human Rights” organized by Himachal Pradesh National Law University (HPNLU, Shimla) Jointly with Grand Academic Portal, Gujarat International Conference on in association with Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, & University of Hindu, Bali, Indonesia on November 9-10, 2019.
- Chaired the Ist Technical Session at Two Day International Seminar ‘Challenges and Prospects of ADR’ on “Mediation and Dispute Resolution” organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of The ILI, New Delhi; RGNUL, Punjab (Patiala), MNLU, Nagpur; HPNUL, Shimla; Apeejay Satya University, Gurugram and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on June 14 & 15, 2019.
- Presented a paper titled Overview of Patent and Copyright in one Day National Workshop on NEED OF IPR AWARENESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN CURRENT SCENARIO held on March 30, 2019 by IQAC-Markanda National College, Shahabad-Markanda (Haryana), India in collaboration with Patent Information Center, HSCST, Department of Service and Technology Govt. of Haryana Panchkula.
- Presented, paper titled Artificial Intelligence and IPR, in Two-Day Workshop on INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN PRACTICE organized by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab and Think India March 1-2, 2019.
- Presented, paper titled Intellectual Property Rights –An Overview, in a Workshop on INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND PLAGIARISM, organized by SD College (Lahore), Ambala, Haryana on February 17, 2019.
- Chaired the Ist Technical Session at International Seminar ‘Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges’ on “Violation of Women and Children Rights-A Study” organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of RGNUL, Punjab (Patiala), MNLU, Nagpur and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on January 12, 2019.
- Chaired the Ist Technical Session at International Seminar ‘Human Rights of Person with Disability’ on “Disability a Social thinking” organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of RGNUL, Punjab (Patiala), MNLU, Nagpur and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on December 2, 2018.
- Chaired Technical Session and Address National Seminar on “Protection and Promotion of Intellectual Property Law” organized by PG Teaching Department of Law, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, October 06, 2018.
- Guest of Honour Address Symposium on “New Horizons of Personal Laws” organized by Dr. Bhabasaheb Ambedkar Law College, Nagpur of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, September 08, 2018.
- Guest of Honour and Chaired the IIIrd Technical Session at International Seminar ‘Protection of Women and Children: Issues and Challenges’ on “Women and Children Are Future of Nation Building” organized by Law Mantra its Academic Partners MNLU, Nagpur, HP NLU Shimla, International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on June 16, 2018
- Guest of Honour and Chaired the IInd Technical Session International Seminar ‘Women and Law’ on “Women and Law: An empowering trend” by Law Mantra in collaboration with International Council of Jurists, London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi n January 13, 2017.
- Presented paper titled ‘Electronic Library on spiritual heritage: Copyright Limitations and Exception’ on November 26, 2017 in International Seminar on “Exploring Self in Digital Age a perspective of Bhagwadgita’ from November 25-27, 2017 at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana.
- Chaired Technical Session I & II at International Seminar on “Cyberspace-Instrument of Global Communication or advanced Ammunition” on November 12, 2017 by Gita Institute of Law, Panipat, Haryana.
- Presented paper titled “Trademark vis-à-vis-Geographical Indications” as Resource person in Seminar “Intellectual Property Rights- Fostering Innovation & IP for improving future life” organized by MNLU Nagpur, RGNIIPM, Nagpur and CII (Vidrabha Zone) on April 26, 2017.
- Chaired the Technical Session of National Seminar, ‘Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and Challenges’ in 15th Justa Causa National Festival organized by Dr. Bhabasaheb Ambedkar Law College, Nagpur of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, November 17-19, 2016.
- Presented a paper titled “Concept of Trademark: Deceptive Similarity” as a Resource Person in National Seminar cum Workshop on Future prospects of Intellectual Property Rights in India, held by IPR Cell BPS Women University Sonipat and Haryana State Council for Science & Technology Panchkula, Haryana, India on February 07, 2017.
- Presented paper titled “Information Technology: An helping hand in eradication of corruption” in National Workshop as a Resource person ‘Curbing Corruption through tools of Good Governance’ organized by Transparency International India (TII) & FICCI, North East Chapter, Guwahati on November 22, 2016.
- Presented paper titled “Socio Economic growth and Legal aspects of IPR” in One-Day Seminar on ‘World Intellectual Property Day’ organized by Federation of India Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI), Bhannu Apartment, Ambari-Guwahati, Assam on April 26, 2016.
- Chaired the Technical Session No. II on March 19, 2016 of International Seminar “Freedom of Information in SAARC Nations: Challenges & Remedies” 19th March, 2016, organized by Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance National Law University Delhi and National Campaign for Peoples’ Right to Information, New Delhi.
- Research Paper titled “Role of Information Technology in pro-active disclosure of Information” in International Seminar “Freedom of Information in SAARC Nations: Challenges & Remedies” organized by Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance National Law University Delhi and National Campaign for Peoples’ Right to Information, New Delhi on 19th March, 2016.
- Chaired the 3rd Technical Session on March 01,2016 of International Conference “The Multi –Dimensional Analysis of Social Exclusion in India: Measurement, Policy and Remedies 29th February and 1st March, 2016, organized by Department of Economics, University College, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India and ICSSR.
- Research Paper titled “Exclusion of Traditional Knowledge loss of Economy” in International Conference on “The Multi –Dimensional Analysis of Social Exclusion in India: Measurement, Policy and Remedies, organized by Department of Economics, University College, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India and ICSSR on 29th February and 1st March, 2016.
- Panelist for Social Entrepreneurship Summit “The role of Geographical Indication (GI) in advancing entrepreneurship”, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Guwahati), Assam on January 30, 2016.
- Research Paper titled “Double Taxation, Tax evasion and Transnational Corporate Corruption” presented in International Conference on Transnational Corruption “Challengers & Resolution” held by Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance (CTAG), National Law University, Delhi and Transparency International India, on March 14-15, 2015.
- Chaired the Session of National Seminar / Workshop on ‘Right to Information Act: Issues and Challenges’ held by Department of Laws, BPS Women University, Khanpur Kalan & Divisional Training Centre, HIPA, Rohtak, on 20 November, 2014.
- Research Paper titled “Right to Information Act a check on the Public Officers” presented in National Seminar / Workshop on ‘Right to Information Act: Issues and Challenges’ held by Department of Laws, BPS Women University, Khanpur Kalan-Sonipat & Divisional Training Centre, HIPA, Rohtak, on November20, 2014.
- Research Paper titled “Right to Information Act: A steering for good governance” presented in National Seminar on ‘Right to Information Act: Issues and Challenges’ held by Department of Laws, BPS Women University, Khanpur Kalan-Sonipat & Divisional Training Centre, HIPA, Rohtak, on November 20, 2014.
- Research Paper titled “Human Rights vis-à-vis inordinate delay in disposal of mercy petition” presented in National Seminar on ‘Human Rights: Trends and issues in contemporary world’ by Institute of Law, K.U. Kurukshetra on November 18, 2014.
- Research paper titled “Freedom of Speech & Expression versus Sting Operation” presented in International Conference on ‘Media Literacy: Issues and Challenges’ by IMC&MT, K.U. Kurukshetra March 29-30, 2014
- Research paper titled “Equal Rights of Women in Ancestral Property is instrumental for Economic Independency-An Analysis” presented in International Conference ‘Eco-Investment and Innovation for inclusive Green Growth: Possible pathways to Eradication of poverty and sustainable development’ by Department of Economics University College, K.U. Kurukshetra on March 25-26, 2014.
- Research paper titled “Analytical Study of Domestic Violence against Women with reference to existing Legislations” presented in National Seminar on “Law and Social Justice in India” by Deptt. of Law, MDU, Rohtak, Haryana held on March 8-9, 2014
- Research paper titled “Impact of Domestic Violence after Hindu Succession Act (Amendment) 2005)-An Analysis” presented in National Seminar on “Emerging Issues in Indian Administration” by Deptt. of Public Administration, K.U. Kurukshetra held on Feb 24-25, 2014
- Research paper titled “Women and Laws-a Critical Analysis” presented in National Seminar on ‘Discrimination against Girl Child in North-west India’, by Mata Gujri College, Sri Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab held on April 25, 2012.
- Research paper titled “Sexual Minority and Human Rights Violation” presented in International Seminar on ‘Minorities Entrepreneurship and Empowerment’ by Deptt. of History, K.U. Kurukshetra, Haryana, held from March 23- 25, 2012
- Research paper titled “Right To Information: A Baby of Healthy Democracy and Transparent Government” Presented at National Seminar on ‘In Search of Accountability –Response of Indian Polity’ held by Deptt. of Political Science, R.K.S.D. College, Kaithal, Haryana on Mar 17-18, 2012.
- Research paper titled “Crop residue burning a detrimental to Environment” presented in International Conference on ‘Contribution of International Environmental Perspectives for sustainable Development: Global and National Perspectives’ held by Faculty of Law, University of Delhi on February17-18, 2012 published.
- Research paper titled “Weak Cryptography A Threat to National Security and Economy” presented in One day National Seminar on ‘Economic and Social Reform: Role of Law’ on Golden Jubilee Celebration of Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab on November 20, 2011.
- Research paper titled “Gender Equality-Human Rights Violations against Sexual Minorities” presented in Two-Day National Seminar on ‘Law, Governance and Social Justice’ held by Punjabi University Regional Centre-Bhatinda, Punjab on October 18-19, 2011.
- Research paper titled “Role of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for Women’s Rights” presented in ‘Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Human Rights’ held by Centre for Dr. BR Ambedkar Studies Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on Dec 4, 2010.
- Research paper titled “Women’s Reservation–A Social Need for upliftment of Society” presented in ‘Right to Equality-An Emerging Trend’ held by Dept of Law MDU-Rohtak on Nov 26-27, 2010.
- Research paper titled “Euthanasia versus Honour Killings-A Socio legal Study” presented in ‘Relevance of Socio Economic Thought of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’ held by Centre for Dr. BR Ambedkar Studies, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on Mar 26-27, 2010.
- Research paper titled “Human Rights and Death Penalty” presented in National Seminar on ‘Growth & Development of Law: Post Independence Era’ held by Dept. of Law, CDLU Sirsa on Mar 20-21, 2009.
- Research paper titled “Human Rights and Deprived Strata-A Death Penalty” presented in ‘Human Rights: Contemporary Trends’ held by Dept. of Pol. Sc., Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on Jan 07-08, 2008.
- Research paper titled “Consumer Protection in India-Role of Voluntary Organisation” presented in National Seminar on ‘Consumer Protection in India-An Agenda for awareness’ by Dept. of Law, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on Feb 03-04, 2007.
- Resource person on “Inter-disciplinary Teaching and Learning in Law” on Jan 28, 2022 at 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm during TWO DAY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP held from Jan 28 to 29, 2022 organized by RGNUL, Punjab.
- Resource person on “Research Ethics and Footnoting” on Jan 7, 2022 at 10:00 am to 11:30 am during PH.D. COURSE COURSE WORK held organized by Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
- Resource person on “Human Right of Children During Covid Pandemic : State Response” on Jan 4, 2022 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm during Two weeks Refresher Course on LAW, HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION (Multi-Disciplinary)’ from Dec 28, 2021 to Jan 10, 2022 held by Institute of Law and UGC-HRDC, BPS Mahila Vishvavidyalaya.
- Resource person on “Footnoting and referencing in Research” on Dec 15, 2021 at 10:00 am to 11:30 am during One Week Ph.D. Orientation (Course Course) Workshop held from Dec 13 to 17, 2021 organized by RGNUL, Punjab.
- Resource person on “Geographical Indication Management and Rural Economy” during NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON IPR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: RELEVANCE AND IMPORTANCE IN THE GLOBAL ERA on Nov 23, 2021 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm organized by RGNUL, CIIPR in collaboration with CELL for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) held from Nov 22-26, 2021.
- Resource person on “Human Rights of Children during Covid Pandemic” on August 9, 2021 during Two Week Refresher Course from Aug 8, 2021 organized by HRDC University of Rajasthan, Jaipur on JURISPRUDENCE OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
- Resource person on “Cryptocurrency versus Blockchain” during Faculty Development program from 9:30 am to 11:00 am on July 30, 2021 organized by RGNUL, Punjab from July 26, 2021 to July 30. 2021.
- Resource person on “Framing of Research Problem and Writing of Research Proposal” during Faculty Development program from 10:30 am to 11:30 am organized by Department of Law, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana on April 27, 2021.
- Resource person on “Writing of Research Paper and Process of Publication” during Faculty Development program from 11:30 am to 12:30 am organized by Department of Law, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana on April 27, 2021.
- Lecture on “IPR: Law On Deceptive Similarity And Well Known Trademark” as Resource Person during the Workshop on World IP Day, organised by IFCAI School of Law-Dehradun on April 26, 2021.
- Guest of Honour in Inaugural Session at One day “Intellectual Property Rights and Emerging Trends” organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of RGNUL, Punjab; MNLU, Nagpur; CNLU Patna, ILI, New Delhi and SRM University Sonepat on April 17, 2021.
- Chief Guest Inaugural Address on ‘Intern-disciplinary Approach while teaching Law’ on International Conference on Law, Humanities, Management, Science and International Relations organized by School of Law, Sushant University, Gurugram on April 9, 2021.
- Chief Guest Inaugural Address on December 29, 2020 on three-day “Stakeholder : Coordination and Leadership Development in Prison” organized by Punjab Jail Training School, Patiala, Punjab, India sponsored by BPR&D scheduled to be held from December 29, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
- Lectures/Key Note Address on The Constitution of India: Fundamental Duties and Fundamental Rights on Dec 12, 2020 organised by on Air NCC Wing, KVA DAV College for Women, Karnal (Haryana).
- Lectures on Covid-19 Impact and Social Reform on Dec 8, 2020 from 3:40pm to 5:00 pm during Online Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on LEGAL PROVISIONS AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION from Dec 4 to Dec 17, 2020 held by Institute of Law and UGC-HRDC, BPS Mahila Vishvavidyalaya.
- Lectures on Role of Artificial Intelligence during Covid-19 Pandemic on Dec 8, 2020 from 2:00pm to 3:20 pm during Online Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on LEGAL PROVISIONS AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION from Dec 4 to Dec 17, 2020 held by Institute of Law and UGC-HRDC, BPS Mahila Vishvavidyalaya.
- Lectures on “Fundamental Duties- Role of Rich Heritage and Composite Culture in Nation Building” on Oct 15, 2020 from 2:30pm to 4:00 pm during Virtual Lecture Series on Relevancy of Fundamental Duties in the Present Context held by Central University of South Bihar .
- Lectures on “An Overview on Needs of Patenting : Its Promotion and Protection”
- on Oct 10, 2020 from 12:00noon to 1:00 pm during Online Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights with respect to Indian Laws and Practice held by Gitarattan International Business School, Rohini-New Delhi.
- Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Social needs during Covid-19 Pandemic on Sep 30, 2020 from 11:30am to 1:00 pm during Online Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on LEGAL PROVISIONS AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION FROM Sep 21 to Oct 3, 2020 held by Institute of Law and UGC-HRDC, KU, Kurukshetra.
- Two Lectures on Role of Geographical Indications in Rural Economy on Sep 11, 2020 from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm during Five Days On-Line Short Term Course held by NIT Jalandher from Sep 7, 2020 to Sep 11, 2020.
- Two Lectures on Trade Mark Law and Role of Consumers on Sep 8, 2020 from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm during Five Days On-Line Short Term Course held by NIT Jalandher from Sep 7, 2020 to Sep 11, 2020.
- Two Lectures on Formulation of Research Problem on July 2, 2020 from 9:00am to 11:00am for On-Line Ph.D. Course work RGNUL from June 25, 2020 to July 25, 2020.
- Two Lectures on Research Misconduct-Plagiarism on June 29, 2020 from 9:00 am to 11:00am for On-Line Ph.D. Course work RGNUL from June 25, 2020 to July 25, 2020.
- Lecture on Patent Licensing and Infringement on May 23, 2020 in Webinar on CONTEMPORARY JUSTAPOSITION OF IPR in collaboration with RGNUL Punjab and ALG India.
- Two Lectures on Man versus Machine Intelligence and role of Law on December 9, 2019 at Refresher Course in LAW, HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION from December 5,-19, 2019 by UGC-HRDC, BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan (Sonipat) Haryana.
- Lecture on Five day Faculty Development Program on Professional Development & Stress Management at work place on November 18, 2019MM College of Pharmacy, MM (Deemed to be University) Mullana Ambala, Haryana from 18 to 22 Nov 2019.
- Lecture on Emerging role of Intellectual Property Rights on November 23, 2019 at Department of Law, GLA University Matuhra, UP.
- Lecture delivered on “Cyber Crimes: Challenges and Solution”, in 34th Orientation Program held from June 22, 2019 to July 12, 2019 by UGC Human Resource Development Center, BPS Women University, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat, Haryana , India on June 25, 2019.
- Lecture delivered on “Women Property: Challenges and Solution”, in 34th Orientation Program held from June 22, 2019 to July 12, 2019 by UGC Human Resource Development Center, BPS Women University, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat, Haryana , India on June 25, 2019.
- Lecture on ‘RICE’ Center for Advanced Studies, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab on Hindu Marriage: Sacramental or Contract on February 25, 2019.
- Lecture on ‘Prisoners’ Rights and Responsibilities’ on January 30, 2019 during three-day workshop on DISCUSSION ON OPERATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES OF RELEASE WITH FROM ON RIGHTS AND ENTITLEMENT OF PRISONERS organized from January 29-30, 2019 on by RGNUL Punjab in collaboration with BPR&D.
- Group Discussion and Report Presentation on “Trademark-The Nation Wants to Know” in WIPO-India Summer School 2018, Nagpur on July 12, 2018 organised by WIPO, RGNIPM, Nagpur and MNLU, Nagpur.
- Moderator on “Patent and Artificial Intelligence” in WIPO-India Summer School 2018, Nagpur on July 10, 2018 organised by WIPO, RGNIPM, Nagpur and MNLU, Nagpur.
- Lecture delivered on “Role of Ethics in Research” on March 13, 2018, Ist Ph.D. Course Work, MNLU, Nagpur.
- Lecture delivered on “Legal Reasoning in Research” on March 12, 2018, Ist Ph.D. Course Work, MNLU, Nagpur.
- Lecture delivered on “Legal Education: A multidisciplinary approach” on March 7, 2018, Ist Ph.D. Course Work, MNLU, Nagpur.
- Lecture delivered on “Sexual minority and Human Rights” on November 23, 2017 in Refresher Course on “Human Rights” held at BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya HRDC, Khanpur Kalan-Sonipat, Haryana
- Lecture delivered on “Role of Supreme Court and Human Rights Commission” on November 23, 2017 in Refresher Course on “Human Rights” held at BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya HRDC, Khanpur Kalan-Sonipat, Haryana.
- Lecture delivered on “Internet domain and International domain disputes resolution” in WIPO-India Summer School 2017, Nagpur on November 9, 2017 organised by WIPO, RGNIPM, Nagpur and MNLU, Nagpur.
- Lecture delivered on “International Trademark and Landscape” in WIPO-India Summer School 2017, Nagpur on November 9, 2017 organised by WIPO, RGNIPM, Nagpur and MNLU, Nagpur.
- Lecture delivered on “Patent Law –An overview”, in Orientation Program 2017 for IRS officers by National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur (Maharashtra), India on May 24, 2017.
- Lecture delivered on “Copyright Law –An overview”, in Orientation Program 2017 for IRS officers by National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur (Maharashtra), India on May 24, 2017.
- Lecture delivered on “Trademark Law –An overview”, in Orientation Program 2017 for IRS officers by National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur (Maharashtra), India on May 24, 2017.
- Presented paper titled “Socio Economic growth and Legal aspects of IPR” in One day Seminar on ‘World Intellectual Property Day’ organized by Federation of India Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI), Bhannu Apartment, Ambari-Guwahati, Assam on April 26, 2016.
- Lecture Delivered on “Deprived Classes and Legal Issues” on 19-12-2011 during Refresher Course, Dept. History, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana.
- Guest of Honour’ at the Inaugural/Valedictory Session of One-Day E- International Seminar on “Human Trafficking, Slavery and Exploitation" Organised by Law Mantra Trust, The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur & The Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi on 26th June, 2021.
- Guest of Honor Inaugural Session at One day International Seminar on ‘Emerging trends of Intellectual Property Rights’ organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of MNLU, Nagpur; RGNUL, Punjab; CNLU Patna; Indian Law Institute, New Delhi and SRM University, Sonepat on April 17, 2021.
- Welcome Address at Three Day International Webinar Series on ‘Mediation : A peek into the Post Covid-19 Scenario’ organized by Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution, RGNUL, Punjab on September 1-2, 2020.
- Welcome Address at Three Day International Inter-University Competition on ‘EXPRESSION@RGNUL’ organized by RGNUL, Punjab on August 29-31, 2020.
- Welcome Address at One Day Webinar International Webinar on ‘Debunking Rape Myths and Stereotypes: Safeguarding Human Rights’ organized by Center for Advanced Studies in Human Rights, RGNUL, Punjab on August 30, 2020.
- Welcome Address at One Day National Webinar on ‘Force Majeure: Commercial Applicability in Power Sectors in the light of Covid-19 Pandemic’ organized by J Sagar Associate New Delhi and RGNUL, Punjab on July 31, 2020.
- Welcome Address at One Day National Webinar on ‘CANDID Conversations on Professional Journeys: Court Craft, Values & Ethics’ organized by CAN Foundation and RGNUL, Punjab on July 11, 2020.
- Welcome Address at One day International Webinar on ‘Human Rights of Migrant Laborers in Covid-19: Indian Scenario’ organised by Think India and Center for Advance Studies Labour Law and Center for Advanced Studies Human Rights, RGNUL, Punjab on July 6, 2020.
- Chief Guest Valedictory Session at One day International Seminar on ‘Protection of Children Rights and Law Relating to Women Empowerment’ organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of MNLU, Nagpur, NLUJA, Assam, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on January 12, 2020.
- Chief Guest Inaugural Address on November 4, 2019 on five-day “Vertical Interaction Course” organized by Punjab Jail Training School, Patiala, Punjab, India sponsored by BPR&D scheduled to be held from November 4, 2019 to November 8, 2019.
- Guest of Honour and Valedictory Address “Measures and Protection of Artificial Intelligence” at One Day National Conference ‘IPR, Knowledge production and New Global Currents’ organized by Center for IPRs Studies Department of Law BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan-Sonipat (Haryana), India on October 1, 2019.
- Guest of Honour at Two Days International Seminar ‘Challenges and Prospects of ADR’ organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of The ILI, New Delhi; RGNUL, Punjab (Patiala), MNLU, Nagpur; HPNUL, Shimla; Apeejay Stya University, Gurugram and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on June 14 & 15, 2019.
- Chief Guest Inaugural Address on three day workshop from February 13-15, 2019 organized by Punjab Jail Training School-Patiala in collaboration of BPR&D, MHA, New Delhi on TECHNOLOGY IN PRISON ADMINISTRATION on “Information Technology and Prison Administration” on February 13, 2019.
- Guest of Honour address at International Seminar ‘Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges’ organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of RGNUL, Punjab (Patiala), MNLU, Nagpur and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on January 12, 2019.
- Key Note Address at National Seminar on “Global information and business strategies” for the Law Track on December 7-8, 2018, Organised by Gitarattan International Business School (giBS) affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.
- Guest of Honour Address at International Seminar on Valedictory on ‘Human Rights of Person with Disability’ on “Rights of Children with Disability” organized by Law Mantra in Academic Partnership of RGNUL Punjab (Patiala), MNLU, Nagpur and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on December 2, 2018.
- Guest of Honour Address Symposium on “New Horizons of Personal Laws” organized by Dr. Bhabasaheb Ambedkar Law College, Nagpur of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, September 08, 2018.
- Guest of Honour Address at International Seminar ‘Protection of Women and Children: Issues and Challenges’ on “Women and Children Are Future of Nation Building” organized by Law Mantra its Academic Partnership of MNLU, Nagpur, HP NLU Shimla, International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on June 16, 2018.
- Guest of Honour Address at International Seminar ‘Women and Law’ on “Women and Law: An empowering trend” organized by Law Mantra and International Council of Jurists-London at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on January 13, 2018.
- Valedictory Address National Seminar, Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and Challenges’ in 15th Justa Causa National Festival organized by Dr. Bhabasaheb Ambedkar Law College, Nagpur of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, March 17-19, 2017.
- Coordinator and partner presentation, WIPO-India Summer School 2017, Nagpur held from November 6-17, 2017 to host in collaboration with WIPO, RGNIIPM, Nagpur and MNLU, Nagpur.
- Guest of Honour Address on “Strong cryptography and cyberspace” at International Seminar on ‘Cyberspace-A boon for Global Communication or advanced Ammunition’ on November 12, 2017 by Gita Institute of Law, Panipat, Haryana.
- Judge in Final Round of Moot Court Competition, 4th National moot Court Competitions 2021, organized by Department of Law, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana on April 3, 2021.
- Judge in Final Round of Moot Court Competition, 03rd National Moot Court Competition organized by Gitarattan International Business School (giBS), Delhi held on March 21, 2021.
- Judged the Final Round of giBS, National Law Debate Competition on “International Human Rights are Paramount to Absolute State Sovereignty” held on Sep14, 2019 at Rohini Campus, New Delhi, India.
Ph.D. Supervised-02
- Urmila, ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION IN INDIA: PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVE, January 25, 2018, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Viva held on August 18, 2018.
- Ashu Dhiman, LAW RELATING TO GROUNDS OF DIVORCE UNDER HINDU LAW WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN OF MARRIAGE, July 23, 2018, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 2018, Viva held on Sep-Oct 2018.
Ph.D. under Supervision-04
- Rakesh Kumar, SEXUAL CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN IN INDIA – A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF INVESTIGATION AND TRIAL PROCEDURE IN INDIA, RGNUL, Punjab under Supervision wef November 21, 2020, Date of Registration Feb 2019.
Post-Doctoral Research (LL.D.) under Supervision-02
- Dr. Ivneet Walia, Assistant Professor of Law, RGNUL, Punjab, wef October 27, 2020.
- Late Dr. PC Markanda, Sr. Advocate, Supreme Court of India & Punjab & Haryana High Court-Chandigarh(111, Sector 16-A, Chandigarh – 160015) wef October 27, 2020.
Total Ph.D. Viva-Voce held: 10
Total Ph.D. Evaluated: 20
LL.M. (Total) Dissertations Guidance and Supervised Students =49+7+3+4+5=68
LL.M. /B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) Term Paper at RGNUL, Punjab-2+3=05
LL.M. Dissertations Supervised at RGNUL, Punjab =04
LL.M. Dissertations/Term Paper at MNLU, Nagpur =03
LL.M. Dissertations/Term Paper at National Law University, Assam-07
LL.M. Dissertation Supervised at Kurukshetra University-49
Anjubala, (LL.M.-21564) titled Legislative Barriers To A Removal Of Marital Rape Exemption : A Study, on June , 2022 at RGNUL, Punjab.
- Purnima Prabhakar, (20504) titled Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparative Study of Contemporary Art, on June 28, 2021 at RGNUL, Punjab.
- Jyotirmayee Devi, (LL.M.-19530), “
Victimology and Compensatory Jurisprudence in India”, June 25, 2020, RGNUL, PUNJAB.
- Manisha, (LL.M.-19545), “
Maintenance Laws in India: Judicial Pronouncement”, June 20, 2020, RGNUL, PUNJAB.
- Madhav Bajaj, (LL.M.-18539) “A critical analysis of Law relating to Geographical Indication in India”, 2018-2019, RGNUL, PUNJAB.
- Anuvrat Bhatnagar, (LL.M.-18536) “Hate Speech and Sedition Laws in India: A Critical Analysis”, 2018-2019, RGNUL, PUNJAB.
- Neha Verma, LL.M. ID(20534), Domain Name and Trade Mark an Exploratory Study”, Jan 2020, RGNUL, PUNJAB.
- Gunjan Sharma, LL.M. ID. (19534), “
Freedom of Speech and Expression: as Socio-Legal Study on Social Networking Sites”, November 2019, RGNUL, PUNJAB.
- Prakriti Ambasht, LL.M. ID. (19506) “The Socio Psycho Legal Aspects of Parenting and Parentage in Contemporary Times” November 2019, RGNUL, PUNJAB.
- Sahajveer Baweja, B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) ID. 17041, “A Multidimensional Threat to Human Rights in the Evolving Era of Artificial Intelligence”, Nov 15, 2020, RGNUL, Punjab.
- Smita Gupta, B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) ID. 16003. “Reintroduction of Extinct and Endangered Animals: An International Environmental Law Perspective”, May 2020, RGNUL, Punjab
- Smita Gupta, B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) ID. 16003. “LGBTQI Rights: A Strategic Vision for Employability in the Armed Forces”, November 2019, RGNUL, Punjab.
- Afreen Aysha Fazal, B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) ID. 15178, “Originality Under Copyright Law: A Study” April 2019, RGNUL, Punjab
- Dean Students Welfare, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab wef May 7, 2022.
- Member, Research Advisory Committee, Symbiosis International University, Pune wef May 2, 2021.
- Member, Research Advisory Committee, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam wef Sep 22, 2020 to Sep 24, 2022.
- Member, School Board of School of Law, Central University, Haryana wef June 23, 2020 to June 22, 2023.
- Member Advisory Board, CPJ LAW JOURNAL ISSN: 0976-3562, Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law, NCR-Delhi wef December 2019.
- Member Academic Council/Expert on Faculty of Law, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India for two years wef. November 18, 2019.
- Member of Board of Studies for Department of Law, Central University of Punjab, Bhatinda wef August 18, 2019 for two years.
- External Member to the Research Committee for Ph.D. Degree Program, NLUJA, Assam wef May 13, 2019.
- Advisory Council Member cum Mentor, LAW Learner, Recognized by Startup India DIPP, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, [DIPP32701] with effect from February 14, 2019.
- External Member to the Research Committee for Ph.D. Degree Program, NLUJA, Assam wef May 13, 2019.
- Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019 to April 28, 2022.
- Secretary, General Council, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019 to April 28, 2022.
- Member, Executive Council, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019.
- Member, Academic Council, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019.
- Secretary, Finance Committee, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019 to April 28, 2022.
- Member, Academic Planning Board, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019.
- Patron/Executive Editor, RGNUL Law Review, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019 to April 28, 2022.
- Patron/Executive Editor, RGNUL Law Review, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019 to April 28, 2022.
- Patron/Executive Editor, Human Rights Journal, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019 to April 28, 2022.
- Director IQAC, RGNUL, Punjab, with effect from January 01, 2019 to April 28, 2022.
- Life Member (Teachers) of Indian Law Institute with effect from November 13, 2018 Membership No. L-1842.
- Member of Board of Studies for Dharmashastra and Ancient Indian Vidhishastra, Kavi Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur-Maharashra wef October 2018.
- Member Board of Studies (Specialization Justice Education) Faculty of Law at Symbiosis International University wef June 21, 2017.
- Expert Member in Selection Committee, Faculty in Law, Banasthali University, Jaipur, Rajasthan on May 25, 2017.
- Member-Academic Council, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur wef March 10, 2017 to December 21, 2018.
- Member-Executive Council, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur wef March 08, 2017 to December 21, 2018.
- Member-313, GIPC, India for Jan 2017-2020.
- Editor, MNLU Nagpur Contemporary Law Review, Vol. 2 Number I, 2018, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur RNI- MAHENG/2018/76048 & ISSN: 2581-7582.
- Editor, MNLU Nagpur Contemporary Law Review, Vol. 1 Number I, 2017, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur RNI- MAHENG/2018/76048 & ISSN: 2581-7582.
- Convener, Moderation Committee 2016-2017, 2017-2018, MNLU, Nagpur December 7, 2016 June 2018.
- Member, Library Committee, MNLU, Nagpur with effect from December 7, 2016 to December 21, 2018.
- Faculty, Development Committee, MNLU, Nagpur with effect from December 7, 2016 to December 21, 2018.
- Faculty Advisor, Students Publication Committee, MNLU, Nagpur with effect from December 7, 2016 to December 21, 2018.
- Member, Academic Committee, MNLU, Nagpur with effect from December 7, 2016 to December 21, 2018.
- Advisory & Mentor “LAW Mantra” On line ISSN:2321-6417 and Print ISSN 2394-7829, Law Mantra Journal and International Journal of Legal Research and Governance, India wef from November 2016.
- Examiner, The Institute of Chartered, Accountants of India, for May 2016 and December 2016.
- Member, Ph. D Research Committee, National Law University, Assam wef from Dec 10, 2015 to November 24, 2016.
- Member, Academic Council, National Law University, Assam, wef Sep 21, 2015 to November 24, 2016.
- Faculty Advisor, Hostel and Campus Welfare Committee, National Law University, Assam from Sep 10, 2015 to November 24, 2016.
- Faculty Internship Coordination Committee –Incharge 3rd Year, National Law University, Assam from May 18, 2015 to November 24, 2016
- Member, Legal Aid Clinic, National Law University, Assam, wef May 26, 2015 to November 24, 2016
- Editor, NLUA Law & Review, Vol. 2, Issue I 2016, National Law University, Assam-Guwahati, Assam, India, ISSN: 2455-8680.
- Editor, NLUA Law & Review, Vol. 1, Issue II 2015, National Law University, Assam-Guwahati, Assam, India, ISSN: 2455-8680.
- Editor, NLUA Law & Review, Vol. 1, Issue I 2015, National Law University, Assam-Guwahati, Assam, India, ISSN: 2455-8680.
- Member Editorial Review Board, Law Journals, Consortium e-Learning Pvt. Ltd. (CELNET), Law Journals, A Division of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd. A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida-201301(U.P.), India.
- Member Editorial Review Board, Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavour (IJLHB), Red Flower Publication Pvt. Ltd. 48/41-42, DSIDC, Pocket II, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, Delhi, India wef August 2016.
- Member Editorial Review Board of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Delhi, India.
- Member Editorial Review Board of Dibrugarh University Law Journal-Assam, India.
- Member Editorial Review Board of Journal of South Asian Studies.
- Member Editorial Review Board of Beijing Law Review, ISSN Print: 2159-4627, ISSN Online: 2159-4635 (BLR) July 25, 2015.
- Member-Ph.D. Research Committee, National Law University, Assam, Guwahati wef from Dec 10, 2015 to November 24, 2016.
- Member-Academic Council, National Law University, Assam, Guwahati wef Sep 19, 2015 to November 24, 2016.
- Ex-Officio Member, Academic Staff Council, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, for 02 Years with effect from 20 December 2012 to 08 July 2013.
- Ordinary Member, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, India with effect from Jan 2012.
- Life Member, Bhagwan Parsuram College Education Trust, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India with effect from October 2010.
- Member, Kurukshetra University Teachers’ Association, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India with effect from 24 July 2006 to April 19, 2015.
- Babu Jagjivan Ram National Award 2014 (Samman Padak-2014), by Babu Jagjivan Ram Kala Sanskriti and Sahitya Academy, Delhi by Chairman National Human Right Commission, Justice KG Balakrishanana (former CJI) on November 25, 2014 for welfare and upliftment of Dalit Poor.
- Letter of Appreciation by the Vice-Chancellor, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-Bangladesh, Professor (Dr.) Saroj Kanti Singh Hazari, for good administration and research work during 07 Jul 2013.
- Letter of Acknowledgement by the Director, Department of Environment, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Md. Zafar Alam for Green Campaign initiative on Environment protection held in November 2012 at Chittagong-Bangladesh, during 10 Mar 2013.